CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Other RDL Reports
    In This Topic

    The report layout for miscellaneous reports are setup using the ReportsOther page in the Catalog/Drawing Properties.

    The latest version of CabMaster uses RDL (Report Definition Language) for defining and running reports reports.

    To locate information about any part of the following image, click on the area of interest.

    Other RDL ReportsOther RDL ReportsOther RDL ReportsOther RDL Reports

    Quantities Report Options

    Drawing Name

    Whether or not to include the drawing file name on the footer of the report.

    Whether this is to include the full path). Check box is only available if 'include the drawing file name' is ticked.

    Example: "Drawing1" or with path "c:\AllMasterSoftware\CabMaster\Data\Drawing1"

    Cabinet Boring

    (RDLHolesQty) For the Boring statistics to show on a report the option needs to be checked on - see Boring Configuration.

    Cabinet Notes

    (RDLNotesQty) Include Cabinet Notes (Comments).


    Cabinet Dimensions

    (RDLDimsQty) include the dimensions of each cabinet as a whole.


    Cabinet Dimension Separators

    (RDLDimsSeparatorQty) Include separation characters e.g. "@" or "x" between cabinet dimensions.


    Cabinet Dimensions Reverse Dims

    (RDLDimsOrderQty) Reverse Height x Width dimensions for the Cabinet.

    Cabinet Dimension Height Includes Kickboard

    (RDLDimsHeightKickQty) Include the Kickboard Height in the Cabinet's Height dimension.


     = Height does NOT include kickboard

    If the kickboard height is 126mm and the height to the top of the bench of a Floor cabinet is 876mm then, if this option is unticked, the cabinet dimension height would be 750mm (i.e. 876mm less 126mm).


    (RDLAccuracyQty) Rounding of dimensions.


     Example shows '1 Decimal' Accuracy, underlined in red.

    Poly Report

    'Poly Report' is a term used for reports about Doors and Panels - especially those that need ordering from a supplier or painting by someone.

    Reverse Part Dimensions

    (RDLSizeOrdPoly) Reverse Height x Width dimensions for the Part.

    Show Material

    The Poly reports can show either the Material Finish or Full Material Name.

    Sort by

    Also, the rows can be sorted by either Cabinet Id or Material (dependant on selection above i.e. Finish or Name).

    Example of Poly Report

    In this example, the Poly Report uses the full material Name and is sorted by Material (Name).


    Kickboard Reports

    Poly reports will include kickboard cabinets if, on the Materials-Advanced > Kick page, the:- 

    • Report Kickboard parts when 'As Panel' as option is Panel turned on (radio button);


    • the material for individual Kick parts are designated As Panel.
     Board List settings are used to create a 'Kickboard List with Cabinet ID' - refer to the topic on Board Reports.

    Materials-Advanced > Kick page and Reports > Board page options

    Any changes in the Materials-Advanced category will be automatically reflected on related pages of the Reports category (and vice versa).
    Kickboard report options are also available on the Reports > Board page  -  Click to View

    Kickboard report options are also available on the Reports > Board page  -  Click to View


    Supplier Reporting

    To provide customers with extra reporting flexibility, our support team can set up export tables to extract and manipulate specific data for reporting. If the Cabinet checkbox is enabled, then an extra Supplier page is added in the Local Properties of the cabinet. Whether these properties are greyed out or not is dependent on the background configuration. See also My Setup > Report Properties for more details.

    One use of this is to provide information for ordering from suppliers. An example is where this is used with the CM-Farmers library for ordering purposes of specific items, as shown below.

    Example of Local Properties at Cabinet level

    Click to Expand

    Click to Expand


    Report Properties

    These options are only made available if one or more Definitions are enabled in My Setup > Report Properties. The default values pertaining to the enabled custom Definitions can then be manually typed in. For an example where this may be used, see My Setup > Report Properties.


    RDL Property Names Summary

    (Property names shown in italics)